Attorney Profile Pictures to inspire You or Your Commercial Photographer
One little-recognized aspect of web marketing are the Profile Pictures of the lawyers to be sprinkled throughout the law practice website. Creating images that inspire confidence, bolster your professionalism, or simply “connect” with prospective clients can make a dramatic difference in converting website visitors to clients.
Traditional Attorney Profile Pictures
NOTE: Images of lawyers in military uniform, fatigues, with guitar, with babies, kids, dogs — are variations of attorney profile pictures that will end up on attorney profile pages under “home and leisure activities” to humanize the lawyer to better-connect with prospective clients…
Wider Attorney Profile Images can be more helpful for Web Designers
Wide Attorney Profile Pictures used for Website: Sliders, Headers, Banners, Etc.
If you are taking your own pictures or your commercial photographer is creative, your web designer will appreciate some wide lawyer pictures where the lawyer, paralegal, or staff are photographed the left or right of the total image so we can lay LOGOs, Taglines, in an “overlay” on top of the extra image area that can promote your skill-sets and law-sections.
Notice the LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT placing of the attorney — Providing Needed Room for Text-Overlay?
Criminal, Corporate Litigation and Federal Cases…
Most prospective clients instinctively know that lawsuits that seem to be headed to court always take place in County, State or Federal Buildings which are scary and intimidating places in the potential client’s mind. But you can demonstrate in a picture that these places are your home where you are comfortable advocating for your clients.

Group Pictures: Partners, Associates, Paralegals, Investigators & Staff
Most Photographers Carry a “Green Screen” to Field Shoots. Probably a good Idea to Take a Couple Shots
That way we can overlay you in front of a Courtroom, Jury or DUI Check Point as in the next 2 Images:
Creative Ideas for Taking Law Practice Attorney Profile Pictures
Posing is difficult for any person – lawyer or layman
It is not natural. Some of the best photos are action pictures taken outside of the office such as and attorney “climbing stairs” with coat over arm, briefcase in hand, etc. NOTE: most city, county, state, and federal buildings have steps big, wide steps and all can “look like” a courthouse. Another good substitute that has NO PEOPLE to interfere is the local library where homeless people are the only patrons left in the Internet age. They often have steps and the “court-look.” A suit coat over a shoulder on the street, steps, or entering a large downtown building can likewise make for an engaging “action profile picture”. Be creative! A corner street sign (alluding to “downtown” where clients’ legal battles are waged…) can be a good image for a criminal lawyer or courtroom litigator.
Take advantage of Public Speaking, Press Conferences, Verdict Days
Photo Ops – If you happen to represent a client “in the news” and you are going to have microphones shoved in your face leaving a courtroom, or are scheduled for a press interview, have a trusted friend or staffer take a good digital camera and get some shots to be used on your website HOME or ATTORNEY PROFILE page. These look terrific. The staffer can “appear” as some interested 3rd party, news type or legal blogger.
Venues for Military Lawyers and International Business Attorneys
International & Military attorneys might drive to an airport with out-of-focus airliners parked or landing in the back ground will visually tell the tale.
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